Resumes never provide enough information to make a decision.Instead of spending thousands on job boards and countless hours filtering through hundreds of “quick apply” resumes, let us headhunt the best talent who are 100% ready to make a move.We identify those looking for the right reasons, ready to join your organization for the long-term.Buy back your time and build your business while we hunt.

Let us earn your business

Contingent Headhunting

With a simple one page agreement, there is no fee at all until a candidate we present starts successfully working for you.Let us get on the search at no up front cost and prove ourselves to earn your business through ethical recruiting and high level talent backed by a 100 day guarantee.

Trusted business partner

Retained Headhunting

Agency fee paid up front for an exclusive search.Almost all of our clients start with us on a contingent basis moving to retained searches once we have proven to be a trusworthy business partner. Retained searches offer fee discounts when paid up front for search exclusivity.

Candidates worth interviewing

Direct Hire or Contract Placements

We specialize in W2 and contract employment. Every candidate comes with a 100 day guarantee. If a candidate quits or is fired for any reason other than a layoff, we have your back with a no cost replacement.The people business requires flexibility and we don't disappear, we don't make excuses, we make it right.

what makes us different?

Quality and Speed

We invest heavily in tools to locate and get on the phone with the best talent in the market. We don't post job ads, sit back and wait on applicants. We're on the phone networking to find the best talent IN the market that may not be ON the market.We thrive on contingent searches and we understand their must be a significant ROI on agency fees.

100 Day Candidate Guarantee

Partnerships Built on Trust

Been burned in the past? That's not us and we get it.In a world of recruiting agencies burning bridges chasing the transaction and not the relationship, we started this agency to do it the rightway. Let us prove to you how an agency should operate. Effective, Honest, Flexible and Understanding.

Buy back time-invest in people

Transparent Pricing

Transparent pricing at 20%-25% for contingent and 15%-18% for retained. Every candidate has a 100 day guarantee and payables are flexible to provide your accounting team proper time to process invoices.

We're ready to partner

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Shoot us a quick email and we'll be in touch to see how we can help.We can’t wait to hear from you!

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